Learning to unwind and escape stress

Nick Morrison
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2014


Stress is a curious concept. It appears at the worst of times, clouding your judgment and only serves to make your life less enjoyable. As I begin my final year at Georgia State, I want to work on the way I handle the daily stress that I am bound to encounter. When a project is handed to me on a tight deadline I don’t want to see it as point of stress but rather approach it with an open mind that is up for the challenge. When I find myself in a particularly stressful situation, I want to be able to stop, clear my head and make a plan of action to efficiently handle it. Whether that plan of action is just series of steps in my head or a written and organized to-do list, knowing what I need to do is key.

“When a project is handed to me on a tight deadline I don’t want to see it as point of stress but rather approach it with an open mind that is up for the challenge.”

Being prepared to take whatever is thrown at me with stride and not allowing myself to be overwhelmed is something that I am always working to improve on. Life is unpredictable and you can often not plan each and every day exactly to your likely and upsets are bound to happen. The ability to alter your path in the moment and find out what needs to be done to overcome these obstacles is paramount to dealing with the unnecessary stress of daily life.

Unwinding is an important aspect of how I have learned to deal with stress. Everyone has their own “happy place” and methods of relaxation but personally music has been most effective for me. Film soundtracks and other ambient music have always helped me de-stress in the moment. I am currently using the soundtrack to Her as my unwinding record for today but find what works best for you.

As the semester progresses I will do my best to keep up with my plan of better managing my stress but I am sure there will be moments where I fail and the monster that is stress wins. These will be the times that test me the most and I hope that I may find a way to collect my thoughts, make a plan and get back on track.



I am a designer living in Atlanta focused on building digital products and user experience. Working @kabbageinc — www.designbynickmorrison.com